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Radiate Beauty

From the inside out

At Lhuvlie Princess Skin, offers a revolutionary skin peeling treatment at the convenience of your own home! 
The Perfect Body

Cleansers & Moisturizers

Note: Because a TCA peel stimulates new collagen growth, and your body actually grows improved collagen for months following your peel, you may not see your maximum anti-wrinkle effect until six months after your TCA peel. Also, Also, TCA peels are additive. Multiple peels over time will give you a better result than one single peel. Please be patient, although one peel can significantly improve your appearance, some people’s skin problems may require more than one TCA chemical peel to achieve their best.




TCA is an acidic chemical which has been used to perform skin peels for many years. TCA peels are deeper than the average glycolic acid peels and microdermabrasion, and lighter than phenol peels. Unlike deeper types of peels, light to medium depth TCA skin peels have the additional advantage of recreating a fresh restored natural appearing complexion, while preserving the normal skin color. For this reason they are often referred to as “freshening 

peels.” Comparing TCA medium  & light peels to phenol, TCA does not go as deep, but is a safer peel. “Deep” phenol peels can give more remarkable results, but their incidence of scarring and side effects may be more than most patients would like to accept.  Compared to laser, for wrinkles, many doctors feel that phenol peels can give the better results.

What is TCA?
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